Computational Methods for Engineers

The course is designed to provide student engineers with a strong and early introduction to numerical methods. Student will have an opportunity to learn how to model problems in engineering and apply fundamental techniques to solve them numerically using Python programming language. The course will promote project-based learning which encourages students to work on computational design projects and relate the course material to the projects.

Course main content:
Ch. 1. Approximations, Round-Off errors, Truncation errors
Ch. 2. Roots of equations: Bracketing methods, Open methods
Ch. 3. Linear Algebraic Equations: Gauss Elimination, LU Decomposition, Matrix Inversion
Ch. 4. Optimization: One-Dimensional Optimization, Multidimensional Unconstrained Optimization, Multidimensional Constrained Optimization
Ch. 5. Curve fitting: Least-squares regression, Interpolation
Ch. 6. Numerical Integration and Differentiation
Ch. 7. Integration of differential equations.

Viet Tran QuocSecretary SIT TTU